Meet Adelitics team's members

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Dr Mark Stephens

Technical and Utility Lead
Dr Mark Stephens has over 25 years of industry experience as a water and wastewater hydraulic and mechanical engineer working in private industry (e.g., with a subsidiary of Veolia Water) as well as government utilities (e.g., the South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water)). Mark has a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), a Bachelor of Laws and PhD (Hydraulics) from the University of Adelaide and a Masters Degree from the University of Newcastle. He has decades of experience in water and wastewater infrastructure technical analysis and problem-solving, including as a principal engineer for SA Water from 2011-2018, followed by leading SA Water’s Smart Network development and delivery from 2016-2021 (including leading the Internet of Things (IoT) platform development and establishment of field response systems). Mark has broad experience in utility engineering, asset management and operations & maintenance (including field night operations) in regulated settings. Mark has an established profile and network within Australia's water and wastewater utility industry and overseas.
Prof. Martin Lambert has a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and a PhD from the University of Newcastle. His research has focused on several aspects of water engineering related to using fluid transients and hydro-acoustic vibrations for the effective and efficient condition assessment of the aging pipe infrastructure. Martin has recently been involved in developing smart sensing systems for water distribution pipes to detect leak before pipe break in noisy urban environments. His work has ranged from understanding the sensors and sensing systems to developing analytics to enable the collected data to be utilised in the best possible way. He has published over 170 journal articles and received significant research funding. Martin has a track record of and enjoys working with industry to solve challenging and relevant problems.

Professor Martin Lambert

Associate (Hydraulics and Acoustics)

Professor Ben Cazzolato

Associate (Acoustics and Mechanical)
Prof. Ben Cazzolato has a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) and a PhD from the University of Adelaide and was a Royal Academy of Engineering Anglo-Australian Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, the University of Southampton. He has three decades of experience as a consulting engineer and researcher in vibro-acoustics and signal processing, strongly focusing on solving real-world problems through translational research. Ben has recently been involved in the development of specialised acoustic analytics in the context of smart sensing systems for water distribution pipes. His scholarly work has led to over 350 refereed publications, including a book on finite element analysis for solving vibro-acoustic problems. Ben has a track record of successfully working with industry to solve problems.
Dr Wei Zeng graduated with a Bachelor's degree (2013), a Master’s Degree (2016) and a PhD (2020), all in Water Engineering. Wei has dedicated himself to the research and development of solutions addressing industry issues relating to different pipe systems (e.g., water distribution, hydropower and submarine pipe systems). He specializes in multiple disciplines, including hydraulics, acoustics and photonics. He has also developed hydro-acoustic signal processing and data analytics skills by focusing on leak detection and pipe condition assessment during his PhD and post-doctoral programs. Wei has extensive programming skills in multiple languages as well as experience in the development of ML and statistical models.

Dr Wei Zeng

Research and Analytics

Dr Nhu Cuong Do

Analytics and IoT
Dr Nhu Do has a Master’s Degree and a PhD from the University of Adelaide. He has over 15 years of experience in hydraulic engineering and water resources research. He specializes in water distribution system modelling and analysis, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling, optimization algorithms, data analytics and signal processing. He is proficient in the use of digital technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud-based platforms, and particularly smart water and wastewater systems. Nhu has extensive software development skills extending to application and user interface development in Azure environments.