Our History

Our history with SA Water and the development of Adelitics Sensormine Platform

Equipment deployment in the Adelaide CBD (Source: SA Water Our Plan 2020-24)

Adelitics is a University of Adelaide enterprise which has been created following a lengthy collaboration between SA Water (the South Australian Water Corporation) and the university between 2016-2021. The collaboration was focussed on the development of analytics for SA Water’s IoT smart sensing initiative where the business case required solutions not then available from technology vendors. In particular, the collaboration focussed on the analysis of acoustic data collected from SA Water’s system for the purpose of reducing leakage and identifying pipe breaks early. Early detection enabled proactive repair and avoided customer service interruptions, extra costs in performing reactive repairs and general economic disruption and losses.

SA Water and the University of Adelaide developed a raft of innovative analytics for improved interpretation of acoustic data from SA Water’s IoT smart sensing system. This extended to the identification and prioritisation of leaks based on data from a single sensor in addition to the correlation of data from sensor pairs. The new analytics were incorporated into a custom MS Azure IT environment with data ingestion, management, analysis, dashboard visualisation, alert and repair work order generation and reporting functions. The SA Water customised MS Azure platform currently continues to ingest and analyse data from a fleet of IoT smart sensing acoustic loggers deployed across the city of Adelaide, South Australia.

Adelitics was formed by the University of Adelaide to enable the further development of the analytics for reducing leakage and identifying pipe breaks early. The University of Adelaide and now Adelitics have partnered with LAB3 in Melbourne to incorporate improved and additional analytics into LAB3’s Sensormine data analytics and visualisation platform. Work to improve the analytics, integration, visualisation and operational interfacing elements of the Adelitics Sensormine platform continues, with the capability now ready for trial with other utilities.