Our Motivations and Experience
Adelitics is a University of Adelaide enterprise that has been created following a lengthy collaboration between the South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water).

Digital solutions using existing data sources through to new forms of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and fibre sensing, coupled with analytics for improving the interpretation of the data and value derived from it, are rapidly evolving through innovation. It takes experience and effort to strike the balance between new digital solutions and the requirement for a positive return on investment (ROI) by translating generic benefits to specific value. Adelitics can meet this challenge. Our team members have decades of experience in the collection and analysis of acoustic and pressure data, the development of machine learning and statistical analytics and the integration of sustainable operating solutions into water utility enterprise systems.
Our experience extends from the physics of the data and IoT devices to the organisation of utility field responses and repairs processes, within digital water solution and technology ecosystems. We achieve improved customer service while reducing costs, and delivering a positive ROI in terms of sustainable digital technology investment.
What we do and our commitments
Leak Detection
Digital water solutions for leak detection, characterisation and repair prioritisation (including non-revenue water loss reduction and leak before break pipe monitoring).
Pressure Management
Digital water solutions for pressure control and anomaly management, including related forms of continuous non-destructive pipeline condition assessment.
IoT-AI platform
Built in the context of rapidly evolving scientific methods, digital delivery systems, water utility regulatory drivers and customer service commitments. Integrates into either utility Cloud and/or On-Premises environments.
Effective integration
Developing integrations between utility planners, engineers and scientists, through to IT/OT operations, to maximise the efficiency and reliability of sustainable solutions. Establishing work order systems with field maintenance and operations to achieve outcomes.
SAAS/Turnkey solutions
Co-development and implementation of sustainable SaaS (Software as a Service) and/or Turn Key solutions that are customised, operated and owned by water utility personnel with a focus on value for their customers.
Advisory services
Working together to develop approaches, within utility specific frameworks, for adopting and supporting digital water solutions within sustainable business operations delivering customer value.
Our Technology
Our technology has been developed using a fundamental physical understanding of acoustic data obtained from commonly used sensing devices, including effects from sensitivity, resolution, data processing and dynamic settings, via accurate testing. We have used millions of data recordings, with field repair feedback from a real utility network, to develop our statistical and machine learning algorithms and provide insights into acoustic signals for improved leak identification, size estimation, dynamic prioritisation and localisation.

Leaksense Sensormine
Microsoft Azure ML-based platform

Sensor Installation & Diagnostics
Testing, Installing and Maintenance

Event Classification
Deep learning classification

Pattern Recognition
Machine learning and statistical change detection

Denoising and Localisation
Cross-correlation and coherencegram analysis
Our Team
Our History
Adelitics Sensormine Platform originated from the SA Water’s IoT smart sensing system
Contact Us
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North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5005